Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let me be myself so I can shine, With my own light, and let me be myself.

Lately I've been depressed over how not everyone can see the real me. They see me as this quiet shy and serious girl but when I'm around my family or my best friends, I'm outgoing, carefree, and funny! Argg the joys of being a teenager in this society. Anyways, I went for a 5 mile walk today with one of my best friends. It was great to talk about everything that was going on in our lives. I wish we could do it more often. Anyways, I re-found this song, and I love it. I especially adore the caveman, which I do recall from a Geico commercial. :)

1 comment:

  1. That song is very topical for you then isn't it. You should find more time to talk like that. OR even go on a little walk or sit and reflect by yourself.

    I was never in the in-crowd and people thought I was shy. Yet other people said I was just right.

    There is no point in trying to be like the in crowd, it never works. As long as you have friends, it's all that matters.

    Plus with boyfriends, it is important to find somebody like yourself. I remember a lad I was with for a couple of weeks. Everybody thought he was great, the life and soul and got everybody dancing. But the truth was, I couldn't have competed as I was quieter.

    Years on, all this is the least of my worries. I'm married. Sometimes I think my hubby is quiet, but at the end of the day, he's probably similar to myself with regards to the number of friends he has and how shy or outgoing he is etc.

    Rather than worrying about what the in-crowd types think and worrying if you are like them. It's more important to find people who are in the middle like yourself isn't it.
