Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

:) I hope you all had an amazing day. Mine was alright, for not having a Valentine. I just finished watching The Good Guy. So cute, and Daniel ♥ is a perfect example of a amazingly sweet guy (Yes please?!) - Seriously! All guys should go watch this movie! Even though it's a chick flick! You could learn something! Hahahaha :)  Anyways, here are a few videos that I wanted to share on Valentine's Day. :)


Forrest Gump Soundtrack - Main Theme by Alan Silvestri

Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender

Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender (Viva Elvis)


  1. I have not seen "The Good Guy". My hubby happily watched "Notting Hill" with me on Valentines Day. He doesn't mind these so called girly films, as long as they are good films.

    Those songs you posted are about the only romantic songs I didn't think of for my blog ha-ha. I guess I associate liking Elvis's music with my parents generation, rather than younger people. Having said that there is so much music of all kinds that I love. Certainly 'Love me tender' has some really sweet sentiments doesn't it.

  2. It's not a fantastic film, but it is an adorable story. I agree, some of these movies girls love to watch can be quite cheesy.

    I agree! My mother was a bit suprised to find out I love Elvis and older music. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all types of music, but older music just has something- something else to it. :)
